You might have noticed that the last few days I have stopped using Youtube clips. I am not saying that I will not add more movies from Youtube, but I have found out about revver, which essentially gives back to the people who produce the clips. I believe that people should get pay for what they do - I am sorry, I wish I could, but I can't live on passion, can you? - so there will be more and more revver clips and less and less Youtube clips.
I don't know what google's plans are for Youtube - to tell you the truth, I don't know what they were thinking either -, maybe they are preparing something similar, but they might have gained more by exploring the market better and absorb the revver platform rather than the youtube platform. It gives back to the people who produce, and that I see with a favorable eye. I am sure I am not the only one.
Today, I feel like
zombie humor again. Mocking those "Just do it" ads.